Fat experiences

Great practice to be "fat in public"

If your experience is like mine, it can be a bit daunting to undo a lifetime of culture norms and go from being thin or fit into a state where you can relax the belly and not suck it in while out and about. It took me a long time to adjust my mindset that it was "okay" to be fatter - I now am so.much more relaxed about letting my belly expand and hang out.

But it has taken some practice.

I HIGHLY advise you to go to Walmart if you need some practice just letting your belly and/or curves be fat in public. I found a really high proportion of overweight customers at my local Walmart. Like everywhere else, you eventually stsrt to realize that nobody at Walmart cares if you are fit or fat, but it seemed easier to be relaxed when I was one of many fat customers in the store.

It's such a liberating experience to relax the belly and just exist as a fatter version of yourself - you soon learn that nobody really gives a flip. And with more practice, you eventually realize that it doesn't matter... even if anyone DID care, it's such a small blip on your life's timeline and you will likely never see them again.

I know that there must be plenty of fat-phobic customers and employees at Walmart, so i dont want to make careless sweeping generalizations, but mine has been so helpful for the transition from slim to fst.
2 months

Great practice to be "fat in public"

It takes a lot of practice, but i enjoy being fat in public. I'll happily lean back and let my gut hang out in a restaurant or food court, at this point I'll even rest my hands there or give myself a little pat or squeeze!
2 months

Great practice to be "fat in public"


I HIGHLY advise you to go to Walmart if you need some practice just letting your belly and/or curves be fat in public. I found a really high proportion of overweight customers at my local Walmart.


I've shopped in many Walmart locations from the PNW to So Cal, the Midwest to Appalachia, and up and down the East coast over the last 30 years or so.

Compared to other well known "big box" stores, Walmart seems to have the highest proportion of obese customers hands down.
2 months